Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Top 5 Plants That Don't Need Any Water - Drought-tolerant In Utah, Once Established

 The heat and the drought in Utah are setting in and it's hard to keep things watered.  There are some plants that don't need any extra water other than what falls out of the sky.  They do, however, need water when first planted in order for their root systems to become established.  If they are planted in summer, this might mean some hand watering every day.   Once established (maybe a month or two after planting), these plants can usually thrive with no supplemental water.  

Ephedra - Green Mormon Tea;   This plant is native to Utah and forms a nice green shrub.  It can tolerate a little water, but it doesn't require it.  Very heat and drought tolerant.

Ephedra - Green Mormon Tea

Yucca - There are several varieties;  spiky foliage with flowers on tall stalks.  Very heat and drought tolerant.


Russian Sage - Perovskia atriplicifolia;  This is a large perennial that dies back during the winter and grows and blooms in the summer.  It is not native to Utah but it loves our cold wet winters and hot dry summers.  It attracts many pollinators.

Perovskia atriplicifolia - Russian Sage (pictured with yellow flowered yarrow)

Rubber Rabbit Brush - Chrysothamnus nauseosus;  this is a native shrub that has silver/grey foliage and bright yellow flowers in late summer and fall.  It also attracts pollinators

Chrysothamnus nauseosus - Rubber Rabbit Brush

Desert Four o'clock - Mirabilis multiflora;  this is a low growing perennial that dies back every winter and returns in summer to form a large, bushy plant with green foliage and pink flowers.  Native to the Western United States.

Mirabilis - Desert Four O'clock

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